
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How Banned AdSense Publisher Gets His Money Back from Google

How Banned AdSense Publisher Gets His Money Back from Google

Today it's not uncommon to hear stories of disgruntled AdSense publishers whose accounts have been permanently banned by Google due to "non-compliance with AdSense policies" or for "posing a significant risk to AdWords advertisers."

The compliance issue is almost always related to content. For instance, if any particular website is centered around banned topics like gambling or pornography or anything like that Google can disable that's website AdSense serving for that. The next issue is more serious as it relates to "click fraud". No one obviously has a clear understanding of how Google determines "invalid clicks" but such an activity can invite an AdSense banned for life. There's an appeal process at Google but again it doesn't guarantee your AdSense account will be reinstated even if you provide all the required details like your server logs etc. etc.

Aaron Greenspan was an another happy AdSense user until he received an email from Google saying that his account has been cancelled. Aaron writes in Huffington Post that his AdSense account was disabled without warning and he literally ran from pillar to post a Google trying to reach everyone from the AdSense Customer Service to the Legal Team to Google forums but witch had no success.

If an AdSense publisher's account is disabled for invalid clicks by Google, he is not entitled to any further payment from Google and all the current earnings are returned to the corresponding AdWords advertisers. The same matter was happened to Aaron as he had made around $721 from AdSense but the payment was stopped after the account was disabled. With literally no options left, Aaron made a final attempt and filed a civil lawsuit for $721 the amount Google owed to him saying that could not prove any wrongdoing and that Google's fraud detection algorithm was imperfect. All he had to pay was $40 as the court fees for his lawsuit.

The AdSense account was disabled on November 9, 2009, he filed the lawsuit against Google on 15th January 2009 and on 2nd March 2009, the judge delivered the following verdict:

"I don't think I have the power here in palo Alto small claims court to make you reinstate  his account, but I think you owe this young man $721. I think there might be money in Google's treasury for that".

Google paid him all the "due" AdSense earning along with the court fees though his account is still stands cancelled.

I think that there is a big reason why Google lost this case is because their lawyer couldn't convince the judge about how "click fraud" was detected in first place. Google has good reasons to disclose their fraud detection algorithms  in public court cases but the fact that this decision went against Google could probably convince many more ex-AdSense users to follow the footsteps of Aaron. Thanks for giving your time.

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