
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Top 10 Best Ways to Make Money from Your Blog

Top 10 Best Ways to Make Money from Your Blog

In this post, I will share you 10 more effective ways from you can make money through online by your own blog. Many I’m already using, many I plan to use, but some I don’t think would work on my particular blog, though they may be work on yours.

1st way: Google AdSense

I’d always been against adding Google AdSense to my webpage’s for fear o it taking away from the user experience .I need don’t have worried as I have been able to add one Ads unit in a fairly prominent position and one in a more scheduled area of the  blog without disrupting  my readers.  I've only had these ads up a few weeks but initial results suggest they will earn me more this month than I earned with my entire blog last month.

2nd way: Sidebar Linking

Your sidebar appears on every single one of your blog pages. You need to be making the most of it. Something I've experimented with is adding a new link category with a title that’s something like, “My Top 5 Health Boos.
Then below that title I’ll link to my favorite health books on Amazon. It’s a good way to get more readers in the door at Amazon and earn more Amazon commissions.

3rd way: Deep-Linking Amazon products

Sidebar links can work well, but deep linking to any specific products that are relevant to the content I’m sharing is the most effective strategy for driving Amazon sales.
As for an example, one of my health blog, if I have a post about the benefits of avocado oil for skin and hair, then linking to the most effective avocado oil on Amazon will generate a number of clicks and sales.

4th ways: Localize your Amazon Links

One of the problems I was having with my blog is that I was only linking to Only 55% of my traffic was from the US-meaning I was missing out on a huge portion of commissions from the rest of the world. There are a few plug-in that localize your Amazon affiliate links, so a reader from the UK is taken to, for an example. This is a good way to pickup extra commissions that you would not have received otherwise.

5th way:  Sell your own products

A large chunk of Darren’s revenue is now generated from selling his own eBooks. In November and December on the previous years, eBooks’ sales were his number one revenue generator. Bloggers have a huge advantage when it comes to selling their own products since they have already gained trust from their readers and displayed their expertise .If your free blog content is good, then readers will assume your paid content is even better- and you won’t need to be a copy writing whiz to get sales. I have two eBooks’ already writing from a few years ago that I have simply let gather digital dust. A few tweaks and a new design and these eBooks’ will be promoted on my blog to my reader base.

6th way: Adding Promotional Boxes

On, at the end of each individual post page. Darren has a promotional box that promotes the Genesis Framework. I know this box work’s because I ended up buying Genesis via this promotion. After setting my blog up with Genesis, I had my programmer design a promotional box for me, promoting a hair care product that pays $40 commissions. I added this box to every single post in my “Hair Health” category, meaning the promotion is shown only to the most targeted prospects.  I’ll now be making more of these boxes so that I can put them into other categories, promoting other specific products.

7th way:  Find alternative affiliate programs

With my health blog I got a little too comfy with the Amazon Associates program. It was so easy to just find a product, get a link, and put it on the blog. It was easy to setup and easy to keep track of, but I was only getting about 7% commission. Now when I go to insert an Amazon affiliate link, I do a search first to see if I can find a better commission rate.

8th way: Pop-ups

This is another technique Darren’s using on currently. At the top of the page is a very unobtrusive, 1 cm thick pop over that simply servers to get people to click his 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Course. This is something I plan to add to my blog when I have my eBooks up for sale, but it’s something you could do today to get people to click through to affiliate products.

9th way: Donate button

I’m not a big fan of this strategy, but some use it effectively. If you have a loyal following that you treat well and really help, many may be happy to send a few dollars your way for blog maintenance, or merely as a thank you. Perhaps put a Donate button on your blog for a few days and see how it works? Have you ever tried this? Did it work?

10th way:  Premium content

This is not something I've tried, but I know some bloggers have used it well. I’m not sure it would work too well in my market, but I’m sure there are many markets it would work in. This idea simply involves creating a premium quality; longer-than-normal blog post .You published the first part as a teaser and then requires the reader to pay a small fee to read the rest of the post may be $5 or so. Like I mentioned earlier, if your readers love your free content, then they’ll assume your paid content is even better.

Thanks for your time and patience.
