Whether you realize it or not, it becomes more and more
clear in every day that Google is putting all of its eggs into the basket of
Google Plus. You might be thinking-Adding a Google plus is a bad idea, but if value
Google search as a source of traffic or AdSense as a source of income, you best
drink the cool aid now because, like it or not, Google Plus will be the major
driving force for the Giant Google in the not too far distant future.
Necessity of Allow Plus One Button on ADSENSE
Google’s strategy is to use the plus one buttons on adsense
ads to help present more relevant ads to visitors, which the end result of a
higher CTR, but when G+ and 1+buttons an AdSense ads first went live back in
2011, a lot of webmasters (include me) disabled the AdSense+1 buttons because
nobody used G+1 and there wasn’t much value. But now the giant google is making
it obvious that google+ is a major part in GOOGLE’S PLAN of tying all kinds of
Google’s products and services together. It makes more sense than ever to
enable or re-enable the AdSense + One buttons.
Disclose the Turn on AdSense Plus One Buttons
- From the Google AdSense accounts of yours go to the settings
- Go to Allow and Block ads tab
- Click Advanced settings
- Under Social Ads Preference, click to show the green check
What are your thoughts on Google’s Social Ads and the 1+ button
on AdSense? Do you think it will improve your earnings or hurt them? If it helps your earning than don’t forget it
to share. Thank You.
Posted in: Blog Tips,Google AdSense
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